Boys & Girls Clubs of America

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Money Matters

Money Matters

For more than 15 years, Money Matters: Make It Count has taught teens how to set goals, budget, save and invest. In addition to staff-led financial literacy sessions, young people practice their financial decision-making skills through fun, engaging digital tools and games. Teens who complete Money Matters show improved financial management skills, including saving money and sticking to a budget.

  • Education
  • Age level
    Grades 6-8Grades 9-12Grades 3-5
    Ages 13-15Ages 16-18


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Saving for My Future

Saving for My Future

Learn about spending and saving money.
  • Age level
    Grades 6-8
    grades 9-12
    Ages 13-15
    Ages 16-18
New Item
Planning for My Future

Planning for My Future

Learn how to plan for your financial future.
  • Age level
    Grades 6-8
    grades 9-12
    Ages 13-15
    Ages 16-18