Boys & Girls Clubs of America

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Zip, Zap, Zoom

Gather everyone into a circle. Say, "Today we are going to play a...

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Community Builders

What's My Job?

Prepare index cards by writing the name of an occupation on each ...

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Community Builders
TP Talk

TP Talk

Gather youth in a circle. Ask, "Are you ready to play with toilet...

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Community Builders
Share Your Chair

Share Your Chair

Say, "Today we will play a game called Share Your Chair. Everyone...

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Community Builders


Gather participants in a circle. Say, "Today we will play a game ...

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Community Builders
Rock, Paper, Scissors EXTREME

Rock, Paper, Scissors EXTREME

Tell participants today they will play in a tournament of Rock, P...

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Community Builders
Pass It

Pass It

Gather the group in a circle. Say, "Today we will play a game cal...

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Community Builders
Name Motion Circle

Name Games

Gather everyone into a circle. Ask, "Who knows everyone's name in...

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Community Builders


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