Boys & Girls Clubs of America

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SMART Girls is a small-group health, fitness, prevention/education and self-esteem enhancement program designed to meet the developmental needs of girls ages 8 to 18. Through dynamic sessions, participatory activities, field trips and mentoring opportunities with adult women, Club girls explore their own and societal attitudes and values as they build skills for eating right, staying physically fit, getting good health care and developing positive relationships with peers and others.

We recommend facilitat

  • Health and Wellness
  • Age level
    Grades 3-5Grades 6-8Grades 9-12Grades K-2
    Ages 10-12Ages 13-15Ages 16-18Ages 6-9


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Do you want to feel more confident when it comes to money? Learn about the mysterious gender wage gap, make plans to become more financially confident, and learn a super easy budgeting technique.
  • Age level
    Grades 3-5
    Grades 6-8
    grades 9-12
    Ages 10-12
    Ages 13-15
    Ages 16-18
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Empowered Girls

Empowered Girls

Learn what makes you uniquely YOU. Explore your strengths and figure out how to be true to your authentic self.
  • Age level
    Grades K-2
    Grades 3-5
    Grades 6-8
    grades 9-12
    Ages 6-9
    Ages 10-12
    Ages 13-15
    Ages 16-18
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Socially Savvy

Socially Savvy

Social media is here to stay. Find out how other girls feel about their social media platforms and discover new tools and apps designed to make your social media 'good vibes only.'
  • Age level
    Grades 3-5
    Grades 6-8
    grades 9-12
    Ages 10-12
    Ages 13-15
    Ages 16-18