Boys & Girls Clubs of America

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Ultimate Journey

Ultimate Journey

Cultivate an awareness and appreciation of the great outdoors with Ultimate Journey. Learn how to calculate your eco footprint, identify common birds, design your very own park and more!

  • Education
  • Age level
    Grades 3-5Grades K-2Grades 6-8
    Ages 10-12Ages 13-15Ages 6-9


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New Item
Ecosystem Services

Ecosystem Services

Learn how the ecosystem benefits our environment and how we can reduce our carbon footprint.
  • Age level
    Grades 3-5
    Ages 10-12
New Item
Let It Grow

Let It Grow

We are all dependent on nature for our food. Learn about food chains and discover that plants are the foundation for the foods we eat.
  • Age level
    Grades 3-5
    Ages 10-12
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People, Places and Parks

People, Places and Parks

Parks benefit us and our environment. Draw a park symbol that represents you, design your ideal park, and research and present a mini-newscast to tell others about a park of your choice.
  • Age level
    Grades 3-5
    Ages 10-12
New Item
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Learn to reduce, reuse and recycle.
  • Age level
    Grades 3-5
    Ages 10-12
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It's in the Past

It's in the Past

Connect with the past and gain a deeper appreciation for the place where you live.
  • Age level
    Grades 3-5
    Ages 10-12
New Item
Taking Flight

Taking Flight

Learn how to identify common birds in your area, and design a paper airplane based on what you learn about birds.
  • Age level
    Grades 3-5
    Ages 10-12