Boys & Girls Clubs of America

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Youth for Unity

Youth for Unity

These activities and conversation starters will help you appreciate yourself as a unique and special individual; understand our society’s diversity; recognize bias and unfairness; and take personal leadership in confronting bias.

  • Leadership and Service
  • Age level
    Grades 3-5
    Ages 10-12


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Becoming an Ally

Becoming an Ally

Understand privilege, empathy, ally-ship, social justice and the importance of raising awareness of social justice issues.
  • Age level
    Grades 3-5
    Ages 10-12
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Self Identity

Self Identity

Map your identity privileges and then express your identity with a self-portrait.
  • Age level
    Grades 3-5
    Ages 10-12
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Close Peers

Close Peers

Find out what makes you unique and how your peers influence you.
  • Age level
    Grades 3-5
    Ages 10-12
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Discover how your labels, privileges and identity affect you and your view of others.
  • Age level
    Grades 3-5
    Ages 10-12